About Alexandra Wright
My approach to therapy and coaching is to meet clients where they are
right now in their lives. I focus on helping individuals, couples, and families
identify unconscious internal contracts with themselves and in their
relationships. Once unconscious contracts are made conscious, I work with
clients on articulating emotions, needs and beliefs. We then begin the work
of building trust, securing safe attachment and increasing the ability of
clients to give and receive love. I work primarily from a Systems orientation, which includes the individual
internal system, the family system, the community and even the global
system. I implement a number of treatment modalities including Cognitive
Behavioral, Psychodynamic, Object Relations, Contextual, Narrative, EMDR, and Hypnotherapy.
I encourage clients to ask me, at any time, during the course of our
work together about the methods I employ.
In my experience, clients who enter therapy with high levels of
commitment and motivation emerge from our work together with greater gains. I encourage you to bring an attitude of openness, willingness and a commitment to your emotional work. I believe you will get out of the process what you put into it.
Our work together always includes finding greater clarity and authenticity within yourself and in your relationships with others.
I do not take on clients that I think I can not help. Therefore, I will enter our relationship with great respect and optimism about our progress.
right now in their lives. I focus on helping individuals, couples, and families
identify unconscious internal contracts with themselves and in their
relationships. Once unconscious contracts are made conscious, I work with
clients on articulating emotions, needs and beliefs. We then begin the work
of building trust, securing safe attachment and increasing the ability of
clients to give and receive love. I work primarily from a Systems orientation, which includes the individual
internal system, the family system, the community and even the global
system. I implement a number of treatment modalities including Cognitive
Behavioral, Psychodynamic, Object Relations, Contextual, Narrative, EMDR, and Hypnotherapy.
I encourage clients to ask me, at any time, during the course of our
work together about the methods I employ.
In my experience, clients who enter therapy with high levels of
commitment and motivation emerge from our work together with greater gains. I encourage you to bring an attitude of openness, willingness and a commitment to your emotional work. I believe you will get out of the process what you put into it.
Our work together always includes finding greater clarity and authenticity within yourself and in your relationships with others.
I do not take on clients that I think I can not help. Therefore, I will enter our relationship with great respect and optimism about our progress.
Credentials, Education and Experience
- Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist in Washington State
- American Association for Marriage & Family Therapy Licensing Exam 2006
- Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist (Wellness Institute)
- EMDR certified clinician (EMDRIA.ORG)
- M.A. Psychology, Couple & Family Track, Antioch University, Seattle
- M.A. History, London University
- B.A. French Literature, Chinese Studies, Wellesley College
- After a clinical internship at Eastside Mental Health, I practiced at the Moore Center for Eating Disorders during which time the Moore Center was cited in"Seattle's Best Doctors" for three consecutive years. My areas of expertise include Eating Disorders, Couples Counseling, PostTraumatic Stress Disorder, Critical Incident Stress Management, Trauma Counseling & Training, EMDR, and Hypnotherapy
- I was an Advisor on Medical Teams International's Psychosocial Working Group, serving as a Trauma Counselor and Trainer in Aceh, Indonesia after the 2004 tsunami. I presented a paper on "Transgenerational Effects of Psychological Trauma" at the first Peter C. Alderman Foundation East African Conference on Psychological Trauma in Kampala, Uganda, Summer 2008
- I have co-authored a survival guide to working in the film industry, published by Crown Books, entitled "Working in Hollywood"